Rebuilding Their Future
20th Jan 202220th January 2022
We are excited to share that work has begun on the new cattery at our Wingletang Centre!
In May 2021, we launched our Rebuild Their Future Appeal to help rescue cats in need like Claude, Maurice and Albus and build new facilities to ensure there is a safe space for them in the years to come.
Where are we now?
The work began in September 2021 and is set to be completed by April 2022. The team at our Wingletang Centre are excited to see the progress that is being made each day, as the new cattery will make a real difference to the lives of our rescue cats.
So far, the hard standing has been laid down and is now complete and ready for the scaffolding and covers to be put in place. This is being erected in readiness for the tiles to be put down, which will be shortly followed by the fitting of the new pens.
The progress is coming on really well and we are looking forward to seeing the further developments take place. We wouldn’t have been able to start this project without help from kind people like you.
Progress pictures from January 2022
The current cattery is one of the oldest buildings at Margaret Green Animal Rescue and is in desperate need of repair and new sections. The building has also experienced awful implications from the weather and isn’t enough to keep up with the demand of cats entering our care.
Sadly, the centre faced terrible flooding just before and on Christmas Day. It is never a good time for any type of flooding, but for it to happen on Christmas Day was a big blow to all. This certainly did not create the magical time the team had hoped for, as the cattery was largely affected. The staff worked very hard to ensure the cats were safe, but this situation certainly highlighted how much we need the new cattery and what a huge impact it will make to our rescue cats in the future.
Flooding at the Wingletang Centre in December 2021
The new cattery will not only create a nicer environment for the cats, but it will also provide greater accessibility for potential rehomers to visit and meet the cats in a much more comfortable setting.
As you can imagine, this project is very costly. If you can make a donation towards the new cattery, please click the donate button.
Please use the word 'Build' in the comment section on the donation page.
If you would like to read the original appeal with further information, please click here.
An Update from Albus
The journey for our new cattery began when we received reports of cats that had been found on a remote part of Dartmoor. Through sheer acts of determination, the team managed to rescue Claude, Maurice and Albus and brought them into safety at the centre. This was a terrifying time for them and it was clear that they were in desperate need of help.
After receiving plenty of food, drink, attentive care and a nice warm bed, the three cats made incredible progress and recovered very well. As we reported, all three cats have since gone to their forever homes and are living happily with their new owners.
In fact, we received this wonderful update towards the end of last year from Albus and his new family:
Albus has come on leaps and bounds over the past few months, he has really settled well into our home. He has really grown into himself and is totally relaxed at home. He loves Bellatrix and they do absolutely everything together. Albus has learnt to love a bit of fuss and even purred for the first time the other day. Every day we see a little improvement as his confidence grows.
Albus enjoying his new home and companion!
Your support can help us to rebuild their future
We were delighted to hear that Albus is getting on so well and has found his happy ever after. It’s heart-warming stories like this that truly show what a positive impact your donations can make. We will be able to continue to look after rescue cats in need like Albus with our new cattery and give them the fresh start they deserve.
You can make a difference by making a donation today. We look forward to sharing more updates with you along the way and to seeing the final result soon.
Please use the word 'Build' in the comment section on the donation page.
All money raised will go towards the care and welfare of rescue animals at Margaret Green Animal Rescue.