We Are Open!

12th Dec 2023

We are thrilled to annouce that our brand-new charity shop at 27 North Street, in Wareham, is now open! 

We are delighted to be a part of the Wareham community at long last, with the shop located just 4 miles away from our Church Knowle centre. 


Wareham Shop


The shop officially opened on Friday 8th December, and we were overjoyed to be joined by Wareham Town Crier, Jacquie Hall, and Graham and Elizabeth, who own and ran the wonderful Horseys gift shop at 27 North Street for many years, and their gorgeous dog, Chenoa, who was previously rehomed from our Lincoln Farm centre!


Wareham Shop   Wareham Shop   Wareham Shop


We can't thank everyone enough for coming along and supporting our new store. We were so pleased to make over £1,000 on our first day of trading, which is an incredible amount and marked the perfect start to our time in Wareham.


Wareham Shop

Our first customer!


If you haven't visited yet, be sure to check out our Wareham shop to discover the fantastic bargains on offer, and to complete some of your Christmas shopping before the big day in less than 2 weeks' time. 


Wareham Shop   Wareham Shop   Wareham Shop


We are also 'crying' out for volunteers to come and help us in our new shop. If you are looking to 'em-bark' on a new challenge, we would love to hear from you! To find out more about volunteering with our friendly team, please pop in to speak to a member of staff. 

The shop will be open from Monday - Saturday, 9am - 5pm, each week. The team look forward to seeing you very soon!