Country Fayre (Dorset)
Join us at our Church Knowle Rehoming and Visitor Centre, Wareham, Dorset BH20 5NQ for our fabulous Country Fayre.
We will be bringing you the best of Dorset on the 22nd September from local crafts to the finest produce. There will be something for the whole family to enjoy including:
- Dog Olympics - enter your four legged friend into the fun
- An array of Festival Food
- Vintage Cars and Engines
- Birds of Prey display
- Live Music
- Wimborne Miltia
- Giant Tombola
- Country Fayre Raffle
- Local produce and craft stalls
- Hot food
- Baking demonstration
- Kids Zone
and much more...
Gates open at 11:00 and admission is just £4 for Adults and £2.50 for Children (up to 12 years old). All money raised from the event will go towards helping our rescue animals.
Time | Location | Attraction |
11:00am | Kids Corner | Story Time With Suzie (Approx. every 20mins from 11am) |
11:00am | Main Ring |
Kingsmen Acoustic |
12:00pm | Ring 2 | Dog Olympics Opens |
12:15pm | Main Ring | Shroton Ukulele Club |
1:15pm | Main Ring | Wheelbarrow Racing |
2:00pm | Main Ring | Allsorted Choir |
2:30pm | Main Ring | Welly Throwing Competition |
3:00pm | Main Ring | Liberty's Birds Of Prey |
3:45pm | Info Stand | Country Fayre Raffle Winners |
Highlights of the day:
Shroton Ukulele Club are originally a group of neighbours that came together in February 2014 for the enjoyment of playing the ukulele. The bands wardrobes are now adorned with the colourful waistcoats and red bow ties that have become their ukulele-playing attire!
Dog Olympics, what is that? I hear you ask..... well it is much like a novelty dog show with a bit more added 'fun'. With the option to enter the egg and spoon race to who can eat the fastest biscuit including you and your dog!
Wheelbarrow Racing will be in the main ring and we will invite on lookers to get involved, with a goodie bag for the winner it can get very compeitive.. We are inviting visitors to decorate a wheelbarrow of their own, which you can drop off before the event to the centre and then use for the race - get in touch to arrange 01929 480474 (all wheelbarrows need to be collected by Wednesday 25th Sept)
Allsorted Choir have been busy practising for their performance in the main ring, not only do they sing beautifully they also sign as the sing! We are so pleased the group are joining us.
Welly Throwing will be kicking off in our main ring. A goodie bag for who ever throws their welly the furthest! We will be measuring the distance so you can proudly let everyone know just how far your welly has been thrown.
Liberty's Birds Of Prey will have onlookers 'ooo' and 'ahhing' as they perform in the main ring. You really don't want to miss this display as you not only get to see these beautiful birds in action but the team will be giving an education talk as well.
Country Fayre Raffle Winners will be annouced from the info stand. Could you be the winner of the amazingly drawn portrait of Sid and Jake, by Debbie Prowles or take home tickets to Sculpture By The Lakes, a day out at Bovington Tank Museum, Sunday lunch at The Bakers Arms and many many more prizes! See the list below..
For stall holder enquires please contact or if you are interested in sponsoring the event.
Thank you to
This event has been supported by the PPL PRS charity and community discount scheme. PPL PRS licenses the use of copyright music across the UK, giving businesses and organisations the permission they need to play the music they want. For more information about PPL PRS, visit or call 0800 0720 808